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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Heart Rate and Weight Loss - How Many Beats Does it Take to Shed Body Fat?

If done correctly, exercise can play a very important role in weight loss. Our heart rate acts as a gauge that tells us whether or not we are exercising in such a way as to lose weight.

Our heart rate goes up significantly when we perform strenuous exercise, and this is an indication that our bodies are being taxed and that there is some kind of change going on inside of us.

Whether performing aerobic or anaerobic activity, your goal should be to increase your heart rate to the ideal level. This is more difficult to do when lifting weights than it is to do when exercising aerobically, but it can definitely be done by using the proper weightlifting techniques.

By getting your heart rate up to the ideal level, you guarantee that you are working out at the intensity required to burn the maximal amount fat off of your body.

On the other hand, if your heart rate during exercise is less than or more than the ideal rate, this is counterproductive, and you probably will not lose any weight at all.

The ideal heart rate is 125-150 heartbeats per minute. This is the range that you should maintain when doing cardiovascular exercise.

You definitely should not try to exceed this range, because doing so will not allow you to obtain greater benefit from your workouts as far as fat loss is concerned. Likewise, if your heart rate is not raised into this ideal range, you will not be burning much fat during your workout.

For More Related Topics Blog: Workout Plans For Weight Loss

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