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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Effective Weight Loss - Can It Be Achieved Fast?

A search of the internet reveals that the billion dollar diet industry, focuses more on fast results than it does on effective weight loss. This raises the question about whether the two are compatible.

First, I would like to offer my definition of effective weight loss. It is effective when it helps you lose weight and keep it off. It is effective when it helps you to look the way you want to look, on a permanent basis.

Research reveals that if you lose weight fast, you tend to put it back on again. The US government, and other authorities, advises that it should occur slowly. Slowly is defined as 1-2 pounds per week.

Yet the market abounds with diets that promise a loss of 5 - 10 pounds a week. There is no doubt that you can lose this amount in a week on these diets. But if you put it back on again, are these diets providing effective weight loss?

Why Do People Want To Lose Weight?

There are 2 principal reasons

For More Related Topics Blog: Day By Day Weight Loss Plan

For More Related Topics Blog: Day By Day Weight Loss Plan

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